Monday, February 25, 2013

We do this, they do that.

These love birdies visited passes. More chances.  Favorite thing right now, the water show, and The Cars ride.  Super cool.

The other birdies headed to the lake.  Jet Ski races, and more moments with their cousins.  Life was super.

Meanwhile, Bill and I decided to peddle, peddle and peddle some more.....

to the tune of TEN MILES. 

But that's ok, because this little rascal needed it.

I may or may not have had a margarita in hand...

On my new cute pink bike.

I did however, have a few "moments" while on this trail.  It was back in nineteen seventy something that I climbed down those ice plants and cliffs with our Dad while he surfed.  And fished.  With my sack lunch and big blanket.  It doesn't really seem like yesterday, but the smell of the ocean, the glistening of the sunshine on the waves, will take me right back.  And for that I am grateful.  Those forever southern california roots. Thank you Dad.

And.....guess who's birthday was yesterday?

He loves surprises.  And on his day, it was even more special. 

Bella waited patiently as he helped unwrap....

Once opened, this little koala and it's babe were quickly separated while they played tug-o-war. 

Having a blast on his big day....

Ended his night like this. New baby.  Bucks is 4.  and life is good.  I prepped a big meal, in Oscar mode, and was thoroughly disappointed.  That Seth guy sucked.  The music they start as people go over their speech limit, is hysterical to me.  And the Jaws theme?  Funny.   I hope everyone was able to make it through.  I wasn't.  Out like a flip switched down.  Woke to see who won bright and early today.   For today, I love this sunshine. I hear the sun will shine bright all week.  Fire up your bbq's people.  Water your flowers.  Fertilize your lawns.  Be happy.  Be ready.  Sunshine is good.  Be good. Or be bad.  Just be kind to animals, and love the one your with.  xoxo

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