Monday, January 28, 2013

Seriously Mom, that was like amazing....

This weekend held a very special treat for the Varsity girls.  And to say that it's just some icing on the cake for the's that, plus so much more.  It's about this bond.  It's about feeling that sort of distance from one or a few of the girls throughout the season, and finally....just finally seeing another side. Not the big party.  But the hearts in every single girl there.  I planned to drive out on Saturday, and work got in my way.  As much as it broke my heart to "not drive out and hang with the girls"....something told me this morning..."leese, it's ok..."  She needs for you to be away.  She needs to see that life can hold possibility with good change.  And those moments of bonding with the very same girls that you stepped out onto an icy field the morning of Winter Formal, or running sprints in extreme warmth.  Those very same girls that stay up late to study, soon packing their soccer bag for the next day...tired, exhausted and at times the feelings of defeat. Those common bonds.

They all hold this.

I received her text within 20 minutes of their arrival back into town....and as I ventured over to pick her heart wondered... Did she have a good time?  Was this retreat everything they all hype it to be?

She stepped into the car, with her makeup-free, fresh freckled face, and neat but but messy french braided hair...and looked at me with her big brown eyes, and said "Seriously Mom, that was like amazing"...and to hear some of her personal moments with team mates that she now calls sisters, is everything this Mom wanted and needed to hear.   Varsity Retreat 2013.  Good stuff planners, good stuff.

The 3 Mom's that chaperoned, I thank you.  Kyoko, T and Sue.
The one Mom "T" as we call her...(Phoebe's Mom) that planned, and cooked all. of. the. meals.....YOU DID IT LADY! With high respect and many compliments to the chef! Because feeding this many girls, with many different palates...wowza...Let us bow down to you lady T.
And as she explained this tradition of ribbon passing, and expressing positive words from one team mate to another...hmmm there may, or may not have been tears filling up my eyes under my glasses.  Let's just say...all I could do was nod.  oh. and smile. Always a smile...

More to come.  Thank goodness for iphone pic's and the dear friends I have that sent them.

Happy Monday Mama's and Papa's.

Are you ready?  Did you pack a good lunch?  No?
Well, is the day to grub.  And no excuses tomorrow.  Because you officially only have like 6 days until we seriously get our Superbowl overrated but good commercial day grub on.

Now, go get after it.

One happy Mama.

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