Saturday, June 16, 2012

Toasting to Mission Guatemala....

My girlfriend Maria & Sweet cupcake Kaitlyn are packing suitcases full of clothes, toys, and any little tiny stuffed animal they can fit.  Tonight they depart.  Guatemala bound.  They will arrive just in time to put on "scrubs" to begin their day helping babies, kids and teens. The much dreaded, but long awaited for, surgery.  They will stay near the hospital.   Some people travel hours in buses, and walk another 5 miles with their children in carts just for the "chance" to be mended. I mean, what rolls through their heads as they walk?  What would we process if the shoe was on these feet?  Motherhood/Fatherhood all lies in the same category.   I am  sure they carry hopefulness.  While others need serious medical, some others need  hugs, back rubs, stuffed animals as they are awakened soon after the trauma ends... Last night we toasted with an amazing bottle of wine.  It started with Maria and I restaurant bound.  As we sat at the light we hear honking.  Lots of honking.  Finally we see Shelly.  She's waving away...We pull over. She hands Maria baby clothes she's purchased to send on the trip.  We persuaded her to try our new Fav restaurant.  She's on vacation.  She's a midwife. Her days are filled with most happy moments.  Helping bring well babies into the world.  So we gave her the address, switched our reservation around just a little...she changed and met up with us.  All within 30 minutes.  Too perfect.  Too good.  We broke bread, laughed, encouraged..envied...and cheered to safe travels and a peaceful heart while there. 

It's taking yourself out of the much habitual  normalcy.  You know our comforted daily life of "things".  Things that make life convenient.   I am one to speak, admitting my faults. After all, you know I am a hotel snob, and a germa-phobe.  Yes. True.  Wish I wasn't. But I am.  These things open my eyes to the word SACRIFICE.  Moving outside of my box.  My very safe world. 

Telling myself that one day.  Just one day.  I will make a decision to serve a mission.  Helping somewhere. Especially kids.  Whom I adore.  ONE week of my life.  Bucket list. 

  Serving a mission.  Helping the unfortunate that live in areas where climbing the highest plateau of monetary, isn't really even worthwhile. It's more survival mode.  It's more of growing things to survive on.  It's actually a place where life and death run so close.  Health and our every day lifestyles are something they might not even know exists.  I would like to fill my gratitude tank one day.  Doing just this.  Helping put a smile on a child/teen that is sick.  Or mending.  Giving back a big smile and a shared hug.  True love.  True form of helping. 

A quote I read:  "In the end, each of us will be judged by our standard of life, not by our standard of living; by our measure of giving, not by our measure of wealth; by our simple goodness, not by our seemingly greatness."

Hope everyone is enjoying their Saturday morning.  I woke early.  Enjoyed every sip of coffee while the house stayed quiet.  As I end my blog, my sweet cat Abbie is nibbling on my leg.  She's also made two leaps up to my desk top.  In my face.  Back to the ground.  In my face.  Yes.  She loves to eat. (Too chubby)  She also likes LOVE.. WHEN SHE WANTS IT. And right now folks, she is hunnnngrry....

Go make a difference today.  Somewhere.  Alone, or with those you adore.  Never spend too much energy with those peeps that drain the goodness from you.  Life's too fast.  Feeling blue?  Walk the beach.  Cry...or sing...let it out.  Go play.  

My heart sings for Maria and KK today...and prayers tonight.  Booya you awesome chicks. 


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