This week has added the element of party planning. And when I party plan....I am uber...wait what? Is that a word? Ok...super duper over organized in my thought process. It drives me nuts. It drives Bill nuts. It's hard to explain unless you are a type A freak. ....I will show you my biggest bargain of the process. This tote you see was purchased today from Big Lots. I AM NOT a Big Lot's or 99 Cent Store shopper. For some reason, they gross me out. Eh em. Remember, I was raised simple. Sand and Dirt...lol. I am a good soul. I do shop for a bargain. Wherever, whenever. But those couple of stores kind of just gross me out. BUT...today while at work I was in need of gift wrap tissue. You know the cute colored kind. This tote I found for 8 bucks! It's the perfect tote for hauling things to and from the boat...Farmers Market...etc. Would you look at that? It's the exact size of those in the market..you know the ones you grab when you need "just a couple' of things at the store, but fill it to the brim before you leave because everything you see while you run in "real quick" suddenly ends up in it? And your arm has a gap in it when done? Now go get yourselves one. Now. Trust me players- |
Last night while watering my lawn, Kali came out to ask about her Birthday Dinner. Ok. This is where things get gnarly. Gnarly with a teen means, I tell her to walk back in the house. Remember this girl hangs with kids that are allowed "Sweet 16's" At The Hyatt Waterfront Resort....Elaborate parties at Acapulco, because that's what every teen should get! .....This list can go on and on.....She made sure I knew we would be celebrating her birthday dinner...when we get back from Havasu this weekend celebrating ALL weekend. I proceeded to ask how many girls she planned on coming "to this so called dinner", because I can feel in the tone, the expectations were growing. She said "just 6". I laughed. She said "My Birthday isn't all about you Mom". HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. So, I recommended she walk into the house away from me, or else she would be sprinkled with LOVE water....and she laughed, I actually laughed...finished my peaceful water sesh. Came into my little pad and lit my new candle. I LOVE this new scent from Bath and Body. They have a new Summer Collection that is out of this world. Another tip for you to try. |

This morning while waking up at the hour of 5am. to my fat cat Abbie begging for food, and dodging my feet all the way to the kitchen. I wanted to trip her....I check my phone for any messages I may have missed. I received a message about Grandma Allie. If you all remember she babysat Kali and Tori for us while they were babies...she is currently running a fever of 102. In the beautiful age of 90's. This isn't good. She is celebrating a birthday next week too. It really makes you put things in perspective of what is important. It just does. Kali IS having quite the celebration at the lake. Can't get into details just in case. I will pray for Grandma Allie. Her sweet kind heart has given so much. So much to my soon to be 16 year old that knows everything, yet crawled all over Grandma Allie to hear her favorite book and be cuddled. This sign hangs in my little living room. I don't attend a church. I don't read too far into organized religion. But trust me. I pray often. I believe in God. He has treated ME very well. I will be out of blogger land for the next 5 or so days. Capturing it all. Stay safe everyone. Play fair. Play hard. Most of all, remember to catch all those memories. You won't regret it.
The memory keeper.
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