Friday, December 16, 2011

Merry Christmas JV Soccer Girls.....Thank you Duttons...

After a long week, and quick planning to celebrate Christmas with our girls...I walked in with 20 pizza's...a bag of candy...and I look up to see this. Yum. Delish Cab!
Here you see our girls...ready for fun times....
So beautiful. Hardworking. Girls....
Cindy's famous tables set up for hosting...
Inside the candy jar, is a guess how many game....
While those beautiful girls arrived...we placed a sticker on their back. The game is to have someone answer yes or no responses of who you are...until you guess. (Example-Lady Gaga-Elvis-Obama-Justin Beiber..) It's fun..and gets the girls chatting...
Time to feast...
Time for silly's.

Kali was The Grinch! So funny.
Sara, Ashley and Sophie....Bonds...and friendships....
The ornament gift exchange....
Cass and Megan....I am always amazed when I look at pictures from last year...or a few years prior...especially of Megan...watching them grow. Watching the progress of teen hood, onto young ladies. So beautiful. So much much growth...and years ahead of them. Sportsmanship, and academics keep them busy...but when it's all set aside...these are the years. These are the years they will look back on. Marking many memories together...on the field and off. Happy Friday everyone. I am trying to kick into full Christmas finalizing mode. I spoke to my Dad this morning...with my yearly mention of how much I appreciate all he and my Mom did for us during the holidays. They always made Christmas so magical. We didn't have much. We lived a very simple life. But for some reason, Christmas was put together so magical. I remember the wrapping paper that seemed to have a foil look. The cookies and carrots we left for the reindeer...the notes we made...the ornaments we all made together. Waking up Christmas morning with that glowing tree, just filled with gifts...One year on Christmas Eve we were able to open specific boxes... Mickey Mouse wristwatches that ticked all night, being told to lay there and just listen....and maybe try and hear Santa and his reindeer...My mom's famous Waldorf Salad on Christmas day. Just the 4 of us. As a mommy now, each year I tell them...Thank you. Thank you for all you did. It was magical. Merry Christmas everyone.

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