Sunday, March 27, 2011

Peaceful fun...just waiting on the sun.....

Our friday after work ended with a visit to the Day Spa for that point we were both melted butter, but decided to headed over to Walt's Wharf for dinner and a great glass of vino...or two..! And so we did.... There's something about Fridays...I just love them. I tend to celebrate with wine or margarita's....and oh how hard it is to stop at two!
Kali went home with Mac, and the normal little trio headed down on bikes for dinner themselves. We get a call as we sat at the bar waiting for our table...and it was our sweet pea. They had their El Burrito Jr. Bean burrito regular...while we feasted on.......
THIS! The best grilled Halibut that I've had in a very long time..shared with their traditional Walt's salad. The salad is amazing; I should of taken a has candied walnuts, with amazing feta cheeses and thinly sliced red onions...just superb! Bill and I tend to share dishes..simply because it's too much for me, and I normally don't take left overs...unless it's totally worth it. That's why my serving looks so small. With their amazing sour dough bread, an artichoke for appetizer, salad..then was hard to eat it all... This dinner was yumsie.....Thank you Lady Griffin Families....Especially to my bestie Kyoko for putting it all together....She knows I love this place..
My bestfriend. We've been together for so many years...and I still look at him and realize that no matter what happens in this world, he has my back. We still sit and laugh at things, with eachother and at eachother....and this night was especially silly for some reason. Maybe it was all my wine. Whew. Good times. And you might wonder why no picture of me? Well, I wore my hair curly all day and after my massage, it was like crazy hair day. But I reminded is too short to sweat bad hair. I just covered it with a bandana and smiled all the way in to that restaurant. He did take one....delete. lol- Whatever........sigh
So saturday we were suppose to head to Nuclear Cowboy's. Which is a motorcross stunt show. Absolutely amazing fun stuff. It was out in Ontario and after rounding up the kids to go, (Kali insisted she WASN'T interested) we found out they only had seats left in separate areas. Well...that wasn't going to work out. I didn't want to head out only to sit 3o seats away from my son..and his friends...So Bill and I opted for another date night. After the entire house laid around in bed until around noon, we got up, dressed and headed out for another fun dinner. Kali stayed at Mac's...This particular YH has many memories for us. 10 years ago we'd all head over in big groups by fast boats...we'd park down below, turn up the tunes, sip our cocktails and enjoy the entire day...followed by good food and good company.... Oh the memories we have in this place. We love their Moo-Shoo rolls. Simply the best. This place will never be the same (atmosphere) but we will always go back for the memories...
Heading to Yard House in Long Beach on the Long Beach Grand Prix race track. Next weekend fast little cars will be buzzing by....
Dad do you recognize this? Long Beach Naples bridge. After a fun time we were headed home to get back into to lazy mode. Jacuzzi was calling our name. Lazy birds.

I think this rain girl is saying goodbye to the clouds, because sun shining days are ahead.....After I blog, I will prepare Kali for a 6:15 game in Long Beach....oh how I dread that cold wind.....come on Mr. Sun bring your rays to my days ahead.

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