A better shot of them posing for me.....So beautiful! And that's Sara in the front with the silly face...!
Kali getting ready to get her grub on. These girls are starrrrving when they get there...
So content now that the food is in their tummy's......
Beautiful "Maya". She's an old sweet dog. Once a rescue, now an old spoiled girl. My friend Lori is alot like me with cats and dogs. She rescues cats. She fosters. She has a pet squirrel out back with his own feeding wall mounted dish. He comes down and chatters at her when he's hungry and it's empty. Oh my goodness cute. How's that Dad? lol
Preparing for the fun game of Pictionary. With the erase board, and easel, these girls had a blast! You can hear them from outside going nuts! Bonding time. Perfecto!
Kali, MacKenzie, Kelli and Savannah....I love this shot. I take so many..I know this will go in a frame someday soon and in Kali's room..
Raychel getting her drawing skills together for the game. The question to draw was "Bed and Breakfast" She did it so cute! Look at Savannah in the back thinking and thinking...lol!
Let's go get em! Our rally before the game -vs. Marina High -Huntington Beach.
Our huddle cheer to get the vibe going! Woot Woot! That's Kali with the only set or red cleats. haha. With her electrical white tape to wrap her socks and shin guards...amazing how things change through the years to help with comfort through long games...
And the final part of the story...Kali gets this flyer from the Boys Soccer team a day before, inviting them all to the house that is hosting...Kali asks, I ponder...we arrive at game day and most of the boys soccer team...came to cheer the girls on. And boy do they make a difference. They get the wave going....they rally like crazy...I simply love it. AND I DIDNT GET A PICTURE! They actually pump the girls up! So we hear about this pasta party that they're invited to. Turns out, the guys invited the girls...but failed to do one thing...TELL THE MOM HOSTING. The mom had no idea!!!!! I have a copy of the flyer and whited out the info. But boy oh boy how funny if all of our girls showed up. That would be close to 45 hungry high schoolers in their home....haha. Hormones and testosterone mixed in! omg! We politely loaded our stuff in the car....and went to a yummy dinner. Nice try guys!
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