Kali is now 14 1/2. I came across these pictures over the weekend, and they made me smile. Funny to look back at how sweet it was...dressing her, every bow to match, every outfit...slathering her with lotion, bundling her up on cold winter nights to watch boats go bye...simple and sweet. oh and that little thumb in her mouth (would drive Bill nuts!)
Time simply does fly by....at the time when their little you don't really think so, but when you look back, each birthday, each holiday..comes and goes pretty fast..and before you know it...they're in high school.
She's showing us she's "5" The next day was her birthday party at the bay....
Hi-Ho Cherry-O's. Her favorite favorite game. Now it's up in the closet. Waiting to be played by her kids someday. By then, I bet everything will be digital. Hope not.
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