I often ask myself at Thanksgiving...What am I really thankful for...here a few of the things:
- My health...and my childrens health and safety
- A wonderful man who gives me more than monetary can afford. He shows me a strong sense of love, security and patience. He's taught me that no matter what we have eachother. And to be strong for one another. And that we are.
- My kids love me like nothing else in this world. And tell me often.
- My parents for raising me to be a good girl. To be a good mom. My dad for teaching me to appreciate nature and respect all animals. Big or small.
- My grandmother who taught me to always be a lady and look your best. Or at least try. haha.
- The material things I have that make me more comfortable in every way.
- I am very Thankful for my Family and my friends.
I had this pumpkin on my porch all of October. I brought it up to Havasu, hallowed it out..and Kali filled it with flowers. We put it outside for dinner seating. However it was arctic freezing outside. Windy and beyond cold. Lows were 38 degrees. No outside seating for us this year!