Friday, March 27, 2020

Happy Friday LOL.

Well, no more Walt's Wharf in Seal Beach.  Closed forever.  Sadly it's making my Happy Hour heart burst.  Big fat----- WAHHHHH. 

This affected me more than being told I can't go on the pier.  Or Surfside.  

Friday is here and we continue to organize. Purge. Hide from the news and rearrange the fridge for the 50th time.  Back to level 1, cooking, cooking and more cooking.

Okay, ready for some smiles?

And one for the road...

K, Bye.........

Happy Friday, or whatever day it is.  The sun is shining.  And the skies are blue.

May we continue to keep those in this fight in our prayers.  In sickness and in healthcare. 

Thank you.

This Mama Lisa

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Push Through.

One of my favorite comedians (Chris Delia) made me laugh til I had tears last night (he's vulgar so don't go there if you can't take the heat).  I tucked away with my iPad and watched a couple of his podcasts.  The little things to get us through all of these emotions. From fear to frustration. Frustration to fear.  What he spoke of is the movie stars doing little concerts in their homes and singing "Imagine" by John Lennon.  Also, when other movie stars and average Joe's like myself keep saying "we'll get through this" when the truth of the matter is, SOME of us won't. Some people won't.  

So there's this really weird human spirit of trying to help with words....or singing. And then you have the sick silly people like me that some times laugh at inappropriate times.  So you have to walk away.  Because Bill stares straight through me when I can't stop laughing at something so serious. 


Yes, I am a freak. 

You learn real quick all the little habits your loved ones do that eventually crawl under your skin.  My latest laugh is when we turn the TV off to drown out the news and heartbreak. Next thing I know I'm hunkering down somewhere far away to eat my sandwich with chips and the crunch for SURE will drive any sane person crazy.  

Don't get me started on sipping coffee in a silent room.  I like want to toss a blanket over that person. HAHAHA!!


I can't watch the deaf translators.  you guys.  

Okay, I'm done.  Bye. 

Love you all, hang tough.  Don't hoard toilet paper.  Or beans.

Wash your hands. 

This Mama Lisa 

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Do This Today.

While being allowed to stay home during this chapter.  Keep in mind some aren't so lucky. Or some have also been confined due to illness and not in the comfort of their homes, but the confinement of a hospital bed and rooms for months. 

Do yourself a favor and sit down with a plain piece of paper and write a note to your loved one. An old friend. An estranged family member.  A new family member.  Someone you want to forgive and give the words before it's too late.

Do it today.

You have nothing to lose and everything to blossom from. 

Spread love. 

More than ever right now. 

And keep on keeping on with cooking, resting, walking and laughing. 

Write that note. 

Stash one for your loves around the house.  I promise you, love always wins. 

I've witnessed more deeds of kindness and humanity through this fiasco.

The way we're looking out for our elderly.  Our community.  A neighbor.
So awesome-
That's some good stuff kids....

Dos says so....

This Mama Lisa
And one for the road---

Calm also has a coefficient

Panic loves company.
And yet calm is our practical, efficient, rational alternative.
If you’re on a crowded plane and one person is freaking out about turbulence, the panic will eventually peter out. If, on the other hand, six people are freaking out, it’s entirely possible that it will spread and overtake the rest of the plane. Panic needs multiple nodes to spread.
The same is true with a cabin of 10-year-olds at summer camp. One homesick kid usually comes around and ends up enjoying the summer, because being surrounded by others who are okay makes us okay. But three or four homesick kids can change the entire dynamic.
While calm is a damping agent, it’s not nearly as effective at spreading itself as panic is.
The library is usually a quiet place because the dominant cultural narrative in the library is to be quiet. Because it’s dominant, the coefficient of its spread is sufficient to keep it that way. We have to expend effort to create environments of calm, because calm has a coefficient that can’t compete with panic when it comes to spreading.
And Twitter? Twitter has been engineered to maximize panic. Calm is penalized, panic is amplified. And if you are hanging out in real life with people who spend a lot of time on social media and news sites, you’ve invited all of those people into your circle as well.
We can find lots of reasons why fifty years of watching just three dominant TV networks wasn’t ideal. But the combination of oligopoly and the FCC meant that none of them spread panic. They weren’t built for it. When cable “news” showed up, they discovered that panic was a great way to make a profit. Not to make things better, simply to spread anger and fear.
If panic is helpful, of course you should bring it on. But it rarely is.
Curate your incoming.
Stay off Twitter.
Do the work instead. Whatever needs doing most is better than panic.
Being up-to-date on the news is a trap and a scam. Five minutes a day is all you need.
If even that. 

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Ebb And Flow.

Hello fellow Americans....

My name is Lisa and I had to hit the reset button yesterday.

On the brink of freakingthefuck out, I had to regroup and trust.

I am an Ebb And Flow panic type of person.  One moment I'm fine. The next moment my head spins in fear.  

I've been down some super scary roads. Roads with potholes, and roads with major uncertainty.
I keep reminding myself of my strength.
My job to inform, protect and nurture.

As they say, there's life before you go through something traumatic, and then there's life "after".

Never really wanting to be so strong my whole life, even though it's ingrained in my veins. 

I came out better.  I've never loved harder, and I've never pushed bullshit back faster.

I pushed the blankets off of me each morning.  Getting up to be strong and take care of what needs to be taken care of.

I'm hovering over Kris again.  Picking up meds, wiping each bottle, box and tossing the bag. 

This is a new chapter for all of us. 

Things I've learned this week-
-Every company I've ever purchased from has sent an email on how they're handling this sitch. #monkeyseemonkeydo
-Our media can become so twisted, so fast.
- I am not wasting any food in the fridge. LOL
-Toilet paper never looked so glamorous.
-Our healthcare workers are hero's. 
-The rain has never been so welcoming. 

We might be scared.  And we will come out scarred in many ways.  (hello, toilet paper hoarders you assholes) We'll maybe stock up on canned foods(my parents always did, however I really don't-lesson learned).

The anti-hand-washers might have learned a thing or two about cleaning hands and the importance of NOT TOUCHING YOUR FACE UNTIL YOUR HANDS ARE SUPER CLEAN- 

I've never laughed so hard at some of the meme's out there. oh my goodness, I roar. 

For now, we're hunkered down. 

For now, we're grateful we haven't received any bad news that someone we love is fighting this beast.

For now I am SO grateful for the FDA with over 10k Scientists' working around the clock to get meds and a possible vaccine to work.  You guys, this is AMAZING. 

Proud to be AMERICAN. 

Stay strong you guys-  This type of nightmare is something families in the fight have to walk through over and over again.  FEAR.  Truth is? THAT.....never goes away. EVER. 

Wash your hands. Don't lick your fingers. 

Mama Lisa 

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Front Line Gratitude...

They walk in when we just want to run and get out.

Thank you to all our provider friends and family. 



Tuesday, March 17, 2020

To You My Friends...and Family.

My wish is this season passes safely. Those we love are all scared. Even when the tough ones don't show it. We are. They are.

Be grateful for the food we do have in our fridge, freezer or cupboard.  Get creative and try something new. 

Another reminder to appreciate your good health. So many are walking the line of complete fear-

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

ps- Thank you to those that have reached out to us about Kris. Yes he's worried. Yes, I am not sleeping well.  Yes I am picking up his meds again wiping them down like a bandit, cooking and texting and chatting love in his ears....

And Praying!

This Mama Lisa

Friday, March 13, 2020


Girl talk alert--

This week I debuted shark week. holla. 

I know don't be jealous.  (girls only)

And on Monday I was that nerd arriving at Costco to buy toilet paper.  A few weeks ago Bill and I were running low and we both agreed "just add it to our list for when we get back"-  

Shelley laughed so hard the morning we drove to Costco "Leese, they don't have toilet paper!"

I'm like...wait, what.....?  Why......

Thank goodness tampons were in stock. Whew.  HAHAHA! Bill calls it "changin my oil" Whatevs.

On the way home from the gym the other day I rolled into Ralph's.  There were like 3 big things left.  I grabbed one. 

Kali mentioned yesterday her and Grant have like 3 rolls left. 

So being the mom I am, I decided I'd go get them some at Ralph's again.


Not to mention, canned goods are wiped out, beans were almost gone...etc. 

What I did notice were the concerned faces.  The elderly out shopping at 8:00am, with a look of general concern.   One elderly man was buying bologna. One had liver or something dark and gushy.  

Made me think of the luxury we've had throughout the years of, let's say...Costco.  How we can buy in bulk.  Fill up our garages. Second fridges in garages, so on and so on.  (we don't have a second fridge, but man some days I wish that were possible). 

As I made my way around the store to get my goodies to make chili for the weekend, and chicken pot-pies on Sunday...I really really was astonished at the look of fear and concern on everyone's faces. Also I could see a tad bit of shy embarrassment as we grabbed an extra can of whatever.

You know I grabbed two boxes of Kraft Mac N Cheese...(I haven't bought that in over ten years but thought man, if we're going out, I'm having some- lol) Could eat one box in a sitting.  Stop Lisa stop.

Don't get me wrong. I am very scared.  You all know my worry and who I worry about the most.
As a matter of fact, a couple times in the last few days I get heart palpitations.  This fear that our nation and human race is covered in is something most of of caretakers, warriors and fighters have dealt with since day one of diagnosis.  It's like everyone's living the life we all live daily.
The monkey never leaves our back.

What I noticed as I stood in line is all the scared frowns on everyone's faces. 

I began to smile.  At anyone and everyone that looked at me directly in the eyes.  I smiled.  Big.
I unloaded the cart for the two elderly folks behind me. Not because they needed that help, but because I wanted to open the moment to be kind. To chat. To clear that concerned look on their little faces.  Smiling and making small talk about the rain.
Complimenting her cute umbrella.  We exchanged a moment of kindness.


My hope is that we remember our strength. We help the elderly and those with a compromised immunity.  That we offer bigger smiles to those in need. 
Imagine this...we have friends. We have family.  We have resources. 

Some don't. 

Some don't know how to work their computer, or have an iphone.  They're just listening to the tv and news (maybe that's a good thing). 



And smile some more.

And be kind.


Don't touch your face. Ears. Noses...and of course your pp's without proper hygiene.

We will all get through this together. 

Have a good weekend.  

Pray for me on the toilet paper agenda.  We are low. But we will manage.  

Oil changes and all.  Roger that. 

With love, kindness and lots of wholesome prayer...

I'm off to go pick up Kris' meds, wipe em down and drop them off to him.

Forever and ever a warrior mom. 

This Mama Lisa


Guess I better bring out our board games, right?  
wash your hands, wash your hands, wash your hands hahahahahah wash yo gosh damn hands!!!!!

Thursday, March 12, 2020

For Over The Last Four Years.

Since the day we walked out of the hospital and Kris was Neutropenic (no immune system) I've walked the hallways, stores, walkways, our home, cars, malls -ew-, airports and airplanes in complete fear of germs.  Born a germaphobe I always laughed that this new life would fall right into place.

I literally NEVER ever touch my eyes, nose, mouth, lips or teeth unless I am home freshly scrubbed and or in the shower.  It has always grossed me out.  I see people at the store holding their cart, rubbing their eyes. I saw a baby at Costco the other day gumming the handle on the cart.  Of course I muttered to Bill...omg that is so gross loud enough for this mom on her phone to hear.  GROSS!

I carry these Purell hand wipies around in every purse.  I hand them to anyone dining with us.  

I put remote controls at hotels in large ziplock bags.  I lay towels down on the carpets on those same hotels.  

I'm an over-the-do-it-hand washer.  Kali is the same.  

I've nagged Kris' ear off. 

I do not get sick. 

Now we're all in the panic mode.  You wanna know why?


And I don't wanna hear the song and dance about building immunity.  Shut it. 

It's about common NORMAL hygiene.  Think about the ones with compromised immune systems. 

Think about the humans in the fight for their lives.  

Yesterday at the gym after a class let out it was like back in middle school after PE ended and everyone rushes in to change.  Only this time people were rushing the sinks.  

I know a few people that are always sick.  Always "oh man, ya gotta another cold"-  
Unless you have young kids in your home that are innocent walking germs, YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER!  Oh, they casually leave the gym, don't wash their filthy hands, trek through grocery stores, trek back home, put stuff away, lick their fingers, wipe their eyes,  make lunch, plop down...then boom...ANOTHER SICKNESS!  Spread to the community over and over again.  Gross.

Plain and simple.  Gross.  GROW UP--- 

Now toilet paper is gone.  Wipies are gone. Hysteria at the highest.  Anxiety levels busting through the roof- 

I live with this fear every single day- I have for well over 4 years!  Wondering if he's washing.  Wondering if his friends that come over are washers.  Wondering who has what and when..  

That one phone call in the morning that he has a fever.  It's scary!

Now........NOW the world decides to wash their hands! BEAUTIFUL! 

Wouldn't it be great if lessons are taught from this bullshit virus?

I'm venting and typing fast right now because I am mad.  I am mad that we are such a filthy society. 

Kali is just as a freak as her mama.  Bill and Grant deal with us.  

This is life. 

This is scary. 

But you know what?  We will get past this.  We'll pull through just like the Swine flu, Zika virus, and all the other scary flu's that attack.

For you friends out there in the fight....I hope you have a mask to protect.   I hope hand washing becomes common for the ones that don't.  
I hope you can stay in and have healthy food.  Drink lots of water. And relax. 

Don't EVEN get me started on the finger lickers out in public.  


Don't lick your goshdamn fingers! Don't pick your teeth!  


Vent over.  

Please remember the ones who fight to stay alive the next time you cough with your hand covering.  Put that muzzle into the crook of your arm.  Or your own shirt. 

Please excuse me while I go take some deep breaths. 


This Concerned And Pissed Off MAMA Lisa 

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

You Won't Know Until You Know.

A few months back we sat with new friends at dinner conversing about travel.  About slipping away from our nest.  And when I say nest, I mean, the net we have draped over us.  Bill and I have always dreamed of travel.  In recent years, two things have kept us from doing so.  Work.  And fear. 

Maybe not fear for him, but I am a creature of habit. I love my pillow(s), I love my bed. I love the smell of my sheets, and I love home.  I love my food.  Yea, I can be a weirdo.  Bill used to roll his eyes at me more than he does now, because he simply feels some of those same things.  It's just guys can't express across a table at a dude "yea, I love my pillow man"- LOL.

We sat with Rick and Kristen about our Bucket List.  How Florida was on the top.  Not too far of a flight, and yet far enough to feel the difference of our beautiful country.  He said, "my buddy has a beautiful boat in Miami"-  They'd never been either, so he'd make some calls.

Calls he made.  Talk about a hook up.
Side note: Rick works for the Lakers as a body guard.  He's also been Kobe's private Body Guard for 17 years.
Still protects the family. Especially the oldest daughter now. 

So I indulged in my first spray tan LOL. (I did actually feel pretty with it) I bought a couple cute bathing suit cover ups on Amazon, got those nails painted white, hair flat ironed (joke on me when we landed...hello humidity ha!) and I did watch my tan run down the shower drain the first night. 

Our flight took off at a Godly hour out of LAX, and the adventure began.  (Funny side story about me, I have had a dorky phone we called Spider Man because it fell and cracked all up, but I still carried it like a boss.  I bought it at Walmart years ago.  40 bucks. Still linked to our family account and has served me well for years and years.  Before we left he forbid me to carry that around Miami.  So I went to Target this time and got the same one for 60 bucks. HAHAHAHA!)  Looks like an iphone, works like an iphone and calls my babies just fine......texts' like a bandit, and took these photos.  Bill has more of course.   Don't worry kids, I'll be sharing these for months to come.  So sit back in yo chair and enjoy the ride view- Ha.

 Rode bikes down the path of South Beach....In my humble opinion, a mix of Venice Beach, and maybe Redondo Beach..? Old Hotels with a history on the store front, and old rooms that surely speak vintage partying history.  We stopped at a Kimpton Hotel for a cocktail.  It was beautiful! 

Iguana's run across the path as you ride.  Various languages spoken (heard lots of French, and Italian) and every human had different tastes of clothing.  My staring problem was on overload....


Also this was our warmest day there.  Hence the reason for my hat.  Hair was doin its thang- Sweat was also dripping down my back.  Forgot our waters on the boat, so a quick trip into CVS for waters and Gatorade's and we were up and runnin...

That was pretty much it for South Beach.  They do have the cutest Lifeguard towers in all the land...

You know when you travel and you wish you would of got the shot you wanted, but you kept going?

Wish I would have got one of Bill and I on one of them.....So cute!

Lunch in Key Largo- A sweet home for Manatee's (Swoon...)

Key Largo is a quaint little town.  A town with two lanes running down the middle.  As you find a resort or bar to head to it's down a little rickety road, but most usually I'm sure worth the search. 
Why not, when you're just on an adventure. This place was cool, and I'm sure quite the party on the weekend.  Little bit Whiskey Tango-ish (any cops out there will know that or I can also say...WT.  BUT, you know Bill and I...we love a good spot to put our feet in the sand with cocktail in hand.  

Life's short.  Just try it. 

BEWARE Crocodiles are present and dangerous.....HA! Got. it. 
Versace Mansion for Dinner (Rick and Kris Bucket List)
 Rick had this on his Bucket List.  Fancy Schmancy.  Great place to see.  Something for him to check off.  

This town doesn't wake up til' 11:00pm.  It was almost 10pm, and this one Cuban club/bar was as far as we could make it.  LOL!
Coolest Cuban Bar - Best Mojito I've EVER had!
Morning time in Miami.  A place to exhale. A place to see the way others live.  From Stewards, Captains, Skippers, to very wealthy people that make money seem endless. 

As for me and my soul I was just happy to have my new Target phone. hahaha!!!  

Downside, it won't upload Instagram to post.  Maybe that's a good thing.  

The minute we landed I received a text from Kris. He was in miserable pain again. Having a very rough week but really trying to let me have a break. His pain in his leg was at a 10.  I was booking Orthopedic appt's, Oncology messages and sending for anything and everything I could to help my poor bird.  
The next day they prescribed him a new med called Gabapentin. Something for nerve damage - Along with a couple other med changes, and we were exhaling again. (took one day and he was able to sleep again you guys!)
Took me a minute to relax and trust a new med change...
I pray often you guys.  A good time can be riddled in a text.  NO mother wants to hear her kid in pain.  I was up top, looking out with gratitude. And giving my thanks to the universe and God for allowing us this chance to exhale.  And look at what landed right next to me. I was alone up top.  
These birds are HUGE you guys.... 

I always chuckle when things like this happen.  

My love for birds. And my birdies. Kinda like "Everything is gonna be alright"-  

And then the drinks starting flowing....HAHAHA!!  

Ya like my Dirty Martini glass?  LOLLLZZ!  Let's get this partayy started! 

John (Owner of yacht) arrived just in time to rally us to change for some night life.  Cruising over in the boat to dinner..and dancing-  Met new friends...Paris on the left, and Natalya on right.  Sweet girls...

The plan for the next morning was to hop on John's plane to head over to Key West to catch the sunset. A Key West sunset is one of the Wonders Of The World.  A place where people gather right before the sun drops and the crowd literally cheered, hugged and smiled the biggest smiles I'd seen all week.  I, of course, had huge tears falling.  A lucky girl. 

The plane we took. 

Were we shitting our undies?  Why, yes kids, YES.  

Powered by Belvedere for me, and prayer for them.  I kept thinking, YOLO.  But still sent my sweet message to the kids. 

My adventure partner for all the rest of my days...
Scared as shiz.  

It's a 2019 Plane- As John kept telling me....Don't worry Leese!  The great part is John does not party at all.  Has never touched alcohol...(is he human jk) and actually I felt very good with him!

 My handsome. Nervous but a trooper. Kept making sure I was okay... #Belvederedrinkmakerformama

As we arrived at the little restaurant the crowd began to gather...

We had to try the Key Lime Pie!  We were there about an hour, caught the sunset- And headed back..

It's truly the simple moments like this for me.  Something I learned from two parents to appreciate the beauty of our Earth.  Sunsets.  The pleasure in another humans face witnessing it.  The hugs I watched. The couples kissing.  The smiles on strangers faces. To one another. 

It was a week I will never forget.  There were moments that weren't my favorite.  There are times you flux your personal schedule.  The arrangements you compromise for new friends.  Moments of uncomfortable, or impatient (hello Lisa Lynn)- There were moments of complete fear.  There were moments of eye to eye contact with Bill in complete gratitude.  

Moments of hard laughter that only he and I can get.  Moments of inside jokes or songs would play and we'd find eachothers eyes with a smile. 

There were moments I missed home.  Or moments I missed the kids.  Or moments I missed familiarity.   

We stepped out of our comfort zone (me, more than him)- He made breakfast every morning- THE BEST breakfast!!!  

Michael Jordan was parked butt to butt to ours.  So every afternoon we had him there. Fishing. Smiling.  Enjoying the little moments he had where he wasn't a basketball legend.  

We watched sunsets, and I watched sunrises through my window HA!  once.  bigger lol.

I thank our friends for the opportunity.  I thank Bill, the true love of my life for pushing me through my comfort zones.  

Miami.  Bucket List Checked. 

To all my homies and my parents for receiving my messages with laughter. Or as my mom replied before I left on that little plane.  "That looks scary"!  I know she meant to say "have fun I love you" Ha!

To my aunt Ronda who always just wants me to have a good time. 

There you have it. 

The start of many adventures.

Gotta keep my brave hat on, and my heart facing forward.



Holding hands with this dude. 

My best friend.

